Follow up with the Governor General of Canada
Montreal, June 26th 2012. Governor General of Canada His Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston Rideau Hall 1, promenade Sussex Ottawa, On K1A 0A1 Object: Follow up with the Governor General of Canada concerning the dismissal of Stephen Harper as Prime Minister of Canada His Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston, I address myself to His Excellency for a follow up concerning a request I sent to Her Majesty The Queen in December of 2011 : «Official request, to Her Majesty The Queen Elizabeth II, for the dismissal of Stephen Harper as Prime Minister of Canada ». (1) Her Majesty answered to me and unfortunately refused to dismiss the Prime Minister. (2) I wrote back to Her Majesty (3) and she answered to me again. (4) In this second letter though Her Majesty told me that she acted through her Governor General and therefore Her Majesty transferred my request to His Excellency. I also se...